Books by conference speakers
Here's a list of books by some of the speakers you'll have a chance to meet at SEJ
2008, including links to the author websites and other information. These and other books by SEJ authors will be on sale at the Hotel Roanoke.
Peter Annin --"The Great Lakes Water Wars"
Wendell Berry -- Culture and Agriculture,The Gift of Good Land, and many others.
Gary Braasch, Photojournalist and Author, Earth Under Fire
Shirley Stewart Burns, Author, Bringing Down the Mountains: The Impact of Mountaintop Removal on Southern West Virginia Communities
Marla Cone -- Silent Snow: The Slow Poisoning of the Arctic
Denise Giardina -- The Unquiet Earth, Storming Heaven
Jeff Goodell -- Big Coal: The Dirty Secret Behind American's Energy Future
Jacques Leslie --Deep Water: The Epic Struggle Over Dams, Displaced People, and the Environment
Nancy Lord -- Beluga Days: Tracking the Endangered White Whale and Green Alaska: Dreams from the Far Coast
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