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October 18, 2008


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Christine Heinrichs

I missed that sign, Sara, so thanks for bringing it to my attention. I was uneasy about other foods offered. Some of the juices were sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. The 'grapefruit' juice was actually white grape juice flavored with grapefruit juice. I understand that this is what corporate food companies offer the public to eat. But as Joel Salatin said on our Healthy Food Shed tour, we have a right to choose what goes into our bodies.

The abundance of high-sugar, high fat foods highlighted the problems with the vertically integrated corporate food system. Choosing a healthy diet is impossible when sweet rolls, bacon, and egg muffins are the choices. The melon and pineapple were a welcome alternative, but hardly balanced the processed sweets.

Food is an environmental issue.

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